Friday, July 31, 2009

"21 Grams"

Well, we finally got around to the 2nd movie in our collection tonight, which was "21 Grams." This marks the first movie in our collection from the Focus Features studio.

For anyone familiar (or not) with Focus Features, it seems the goal is to make their movies as disjointed and confusing as possible, until the end when all of the flashback-y scenes fall into place and paint the larger picture. Sometimes, I have to admit, even after watching the entire film, the larger picture is still just out of reach. We really enjoy these kinds of movies (especially the 2nd or 3rd time around) as it is gratifying to figure out what has been right in front of your face for the entire movie.

We won't go into details about the plot of "21 Grams", as we don't want to spoil the experience of a good Focus Features film for anyone, but will let you in on the fact that 21 grams is the purported weight of the human soul...we'll let you discover the rest for yourselves.

Run Time: 125 Minutes

Schellhardt Stars: 3 1/2

Stay tuned for next time when our film will be lighter fare in the form of "27 Dresses."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Our first foray into DVD watching mania was "21," which we viewed on Sunday, July 26th. (before we decided to make this experiment into a blog)

For those of you unfamiliar with the plot of this movie, it is a "based on a true story" tale of a professor at MIT that assembles a team of bright young minds and teaches them to use their considerable skills to beat the casinos at Black Jack by counting cards...which is "not illegal," just frowned upon.

What was the best part of this movie? The fact that the location is fabulous Las Vegas!! Hmmm...perhaps trip #5 is on the agenda. October it is, let's just hope that Mike doesn't get any ideas!!

Run Time: 123 Minutes

Schellhardt Stars: 4 1/4

All in all a great option to start us on our way! Stay tuned for next time when our DVD will be "21 Grams."

Our Goal

The goal of this project is to watch, in alphabetical order, the entire DVD library that we own, which is an estimated 500 discs.

Not only do we want to see how varied and (at times) crazy our taste in DVDs is, we also want to see how long it will take to complete this project.

Beginning with "21" and ending with "Zoolander," we hope you will join us for the ride!!

First things first: Flat screen LCD TV? Check. Bose surround sound system? Check. Blu-Ray DVD player? Check. Comfy seats on the couch? Check!!!

Looks like we are ready to roll. And......ACTION!!

**Disclaimer - Contrary to what you may think from our project goal, we do have lives!! Therefore, there will be fluctuations in how many discs we make it through each day/week/month...stay tuned!!