Saturday, August 15, 2009


Well, we finally got back to our movie project with the watching of the Blu-Ray disc "300." This was our first time viewing this movie, as it came free with the purchase of our DVD player more than a year ago. Can you tell we didn't expect it to be our cup of tea?

As it turns out, it wasn't as gory as I had heard it was. The CGI effects and the muted coloring of the film seemed to help. The movie essentially tells the story of King Leonidas and his "army" of 300 spartans that go to meet the army of millions of Xerxes.

All in all, the movie had a good pace and I (Lindz) can't complain about the constant stream of shirtless Spartans and their glistening 6-pack abs!!

Run Time: 116 minutes

Schellhardt Stars: 3

Check out our next post as we finally move into the alphabet with the viewing of "Air Force One" with the Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman and Glenn Close.

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